K-20: The Fiend with Twenty Faces / K-20: Kaijin niju menso den (2008)

I first looked at K-20 because it was written and directed by a woman, Shimako Sato, expecting something similar to Sway or Wild Berries. Boy, was I surprised. What I found instead was a full Spielbergian extravaganza, full of barely credible derring-do told with the same kind of inventive yet nostalgic recreation of the feeling … Continue reading K-20: The Fiend with Twenty Faces / K-20: Kaijin niju menso den (2008)

Rampo (1994)

The world of Edogawa Rampo's stories have always been a fertile ground for Japanese movie-makers, but there seems to have been a mini-revival in the mid-nineties in three gorgeously photographed films. Two of these were relatively straight-forward mysteries featuring Detective Akechi adapted from some of Rampo's earliest works. Rampo is a different creature altogether. Rampo … Continue reading Rampo (1994)

D-Slope Murder / Murder on D Street / D-Zaka no satsujin jiken (1998)

Though looking like a sequel to Akio Jissoji's Watcher in the Attic, the D-Slope Murder dramatizes the very first story featuring Edogowa Rampo's Detective Akechi. Thus, we see the very beginnings of Japan's most popular detective, later rivaled only by Kindaichi.* The female owner of a bookstore decides to sell some fakes of a famous … Continue reading D-Slope Murder / Murder on D Street / D-Zaka no satsujin jiken (1998)