Taste of Tea / Cha no aji (2002)

Nothing could be more ordinary yet more meaningful for traditional Japanese culture than the cup of tea. Reflecting this, the outline of A Taste of Tea is quite simple. The viewer observes a family while it passes through one spring when the son enters high school and the daughter goes to grade school, while Dad … Continue reading Taste of Tea / Cha no aji (2002)

Princess Goh / Go-hime (1992)

Teshigahara's Go-hime picks up its story just after Sen no Rikyu committed seppuku. While talking to Lord Oribe, Hideyoshi tries to deny anything to do with it, even though we saw in Rikyu that Hideyoshi not only ordered the suicide but also sent men to guarantee it was carried out. Oribe, a famous daimyo disciple … Continue reading Princess Goh / Go-hime (1992)

Death of a Tea Master / Sen no Rikyu: Honkakubo ibun (1989)

Among the many mysteries of Japanese culture, the tea ceremony remains arguably the least comprehensible to outsiders. Though similar rituals began in China and continue to be observed in some form in China and Korea, the Japanese seem to have taken it to an extreme, converting the brewing and drinking of a cup of tea … Continue reading Death of a Tea Master / Sen no Rikyu: Honkakubo ibun (1989)