My Sons / Musuko (1991)

Akio is a tobacco farmer* with two sons, both of whom have left home. Tadashi went to university and is now a Tokyo salaryman with a wife Reiko and two little girls. Tetsuo is also in Tokyo but still bouncing from job to job, and he almost misses the family reunion for the first anniversary … Continue reading My Sons / Musuko (1991)

Half Brothers / Stepbrothers / Ibo kyoudai (1957)

To call Ibo kyoudai a surprise would be one of the great understatements. A powerful mix of the josei-eiga and socio/political commentary, it reflects the life of the nation from WWI to the defeat of WWII through the life of a single family, while giving us two of the most powerful roles in the long … Continue reading Half Brothers / Stepbrothers / Ibo kyoudai (1957)

Taxing Woman’s Return / Marusa no onna 2 (1988)

In what will seem awfully familiar to contemporary Americans, The Taxing Woman's Return targets much larger game than in her first feature – personally invented religions, real-estate developers, and government corruption. Rentaro Mikuni has set up a religious scam with his wife playing the Holy Matriarch. She conducts Buddhist chant services that send her followers … Continue reading Taxing Woman’s Return / Marusa no onna 2 (1988)

The Love and Adventures of Kuroki Taro / Kuroki Taro to ai no boken (1977)

Kuroki Taro is a stuntman, something of a rarity in Japanese movies.* However, we only see him do one kind of stunt, car races and wrecks, at the very beginning of the movie. The “Love and Adventures” all occur far from the movie set. Juichi and his two buddies are introduced to us on a … Continue reading The Love and Adventures of Kuroki Taro / Kuroki Taro to ai no boken (1977)

Mr. Mrs. Miss Lonely / Misuta, Misesu, Misu Ronri (1980)

Roughly once a month or so, it seems, I come across a previously unknown Japanese movie and find that it is an experience that is almost impossible to describe. Just such a picture is Mr. Mrs. Miss Lonely, which from its title to its presentation simply defies coherent description or comment without also destroying the … Continue reading Mr. Mrs. Miss Lonely / Misuta, Misesu, Misu Ronri (1980)