Blessing Bell / Kofuku no kane (2002)

In one of the oddest starring roles in history, Susumu Terajima slowly emerges from the shadows beside  a railroad track and walks through a series of strange encounters without saying a word until at last he goes off screen and tries to tell his wife what happened to him. Writer/director Sabu had used the structure … Continue reading Blessing Bell / Kofuku no kane (2002)

D-Slope Murder / Murder on D Street / D-Zaka no satsujin jiken (1998)

Though looking like a sequel to Akio Jissoji's Watcher in the Attic, the D-Slope Murder dramatizes the very first story featuring Edogowa Rampo's Detective Akechi. Thus, we see the very beginnings of Japan's most popular detective, later rivaled only by Kindaichi.* The female owner of a bookstore decides to sell some fakes of a famous … Continue reading D-Slope Murder / Murder on D Street / D-Zaka no satsujin jiken (1998)