Attack at Noon / Attack on the Sun / Hakuchu no shugeki (1970)

The year is 1970, the last great burst of student protest in Japan, and Hakuchu no shugeki opens with a journalist interviewing a group of young people about what they really want. The camera, however, soon picks out two twenty-somethings outside the group, Yuri and a young man called Osamu. He follows her in his … Continue reading Attack at Noon / Attack on the Sun / Hakuchu no shugeki (1970)

Japanese Summer: Double Suicide / Muri shinju: Nihon no natsu (1967)

From his first movie, Nagisa Oshima was at war with Japan, and Japanese Summer: Double Suicide is certainly no exception. Though alluding to the long tradition in popular entertainment of love suicides, the movie directly has little to do with either love or suicides. In its simplest terms, it is about male and female, but … Continue reading Japanese Summer: Double Suicide / Muri shinju: Nihon no natsu (1967)