Attack at Noon / Attack on the Sun / Hakuchu no shugeki (1970)

The year is 1970, the last great burst of student protest in Japan, and Hakuchu no shugeki opens with a journalist interviewing a group of young people about what they really want. The camera, however, soon picks out two twenty-somethings outside the group, Yuri and a young man called Osamu. He follows her in his … Continue reading Attack at Noon / Attack on the Sun / Hakuchu no shugeki (1970)

Black Line Zone / Kurosen chitai (1960)

An American film noir in everything but its cast and setting, Black Line Zone is an impressive, tight, and tense thriller. Shigeru Amachi, one of the most attractive Japanese leading men of the era, plays a daring reporter, known as Scoop, of course. As the movie opens, he's following a prostitute who can lead him … Continue reading Black Line Zone / Kurosen chitai (1960)