
Comments are encouraged; I started the blog to share an enthusiasm and to learn more. However, remember that we’re all in this together. If you want to correct me or another commenter, please do so in a positive way.

It would be impossible to blog about movies without showing some photos. However, copyright law is complex and the copyright surrounding movies is even more so. Most photos I post will be screen captures assumed to fall under the general Fair Use rules; any others taken from other sources will be credited to the best of my ability. If you hold a copyright and notify me that you wish something taken down, I will do so immediately.

Similarly, anything I write is the property of japanonfilm.wordpress.com and any quotations or references on other sites should be so credited. If I use a direct quotation I will always credit it or provide a link, or both. However, I have reached an age when I often remember something I read, but not necessarily where — in such cases I will try to indicate in the text that the thought is not original to me; if you know where it originated, please indicate in a comment & I will edit the post to give proper credit.