Himizu (2011)

Himizu is two movies rather forcibly jammed together. One is an emotional powerhouse of a movie about a 14-year-old boy with a disastrously bad family, based on a manga. The other is a not quite focused movie about the effects of the Fukushima disaster, which occurred as the movie was going into production. Unfortunately, the … Continue reading Himizu (2011)

Abacus and Sword / Bushi no kakeibo (2010)

For the Inoyami family, their abacus is more important than their sword, for it is the way in which they have always provided service to the lord. Thus, there is no swordplay to be found in Abacus and Sword, a detailed look at the Samurai as Salaryman. Supposedly based on family records kept during the … Continue reading Abacus and Sword / Bushi no kakeibo (2010)